Aerial photo of Shaker Square in 2019. Courtesy Cleveland Neighborhood Progress.
We are an alliance of community leaders and activists committed to the addressing the issues that matter to our neighbors and fellow residents.
The Shaker Square Alliance meets address issues important to the community. The original focus of the group was on the branch closing of Ohio Savings Bank on the corner of North Moreland and Larchmere. The scope of the group has grown to include community organization, safety, quality of life, issues in the neighborhood, and revitalization.
The meetings are held at Harvey Rice Library and include a broad cross section of community members including merchants, homeowners and tenants. A broad spectrum of organizational stakeholders include the City of Cleveland, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, Organize! Ohio, Church of the Covenant, Our Lady of Peace Church, Holy Grove Missionary Baptist Church, City of Shaker Heights, Shaker Area Development Corporation, Cleveland Restoration Society, Ohio Savings Bank, PNC Bank, the Larchmere Business Association, and the following neighborhoods, Larchmere, Shaker Square and Buckeye. These individuals and resources are committed to their neighborhood and the desire to fight to protect, revive, and strengthen their community.
The Shaker Square Alliance coalesced around the issue to address the closure of the Ohio Savings Bank branch, which was announced in August 2010. Community resident Ken Rapport began collecting signatures to protest the branch closure and over 300 residents also signed in protest. A small group of residents and stakeholders began meeting regularly, and the Shaker Square Alliance was born. Since then, the group has grown to include 35 committed residents and stakeholders who have participated in planning and leading monthly meetings as well as community-wide meetings when needed.