Dedicated to providing a common forum for the discussion of fair lending and equitable banking practices


"The black-white wealth gap is a product of intentional systematic policy choices. The only way to correct this wrong is to make intentional systematic changes in response."

Angela Hanks

What We Are

The Ohio Fair Lending Coalition is a collaboration of organizations across the state of Ohio banding together to address fair lending and banking issues. Formed in 1989, researchers, consumer advocates, academics, and legal experts analyze and provide a sharp focus on disparate lending in the state of Ohio, with a more recent focus on Cleveland specifically. Since 2005, when foreclosures became an explosive issue, housing became an additional major focus. Reflecting this change, the coalition added an additional arm called the Fair Lending and Vital Communities Coalition. The Fair Lending and Vital Communities Coalition takes responsibility for the Annual Conference and Forum Series, while the original Ohio Fair Lending Coalition remains dedicated to their work with CRA agreements, bank challenges, and research.

Who We Are

Charles H. Bromley, founder and director of the Ohio Fair Lending Coalition, has had a career in advocacy and research work, developing innovative programs to overcome historic patterns of racial and lending discrimination. As Executive Director of National Neighbors, he was a member of the national coalition that saw the enactment of the 1988 Fair Housing Amendments and the Amendment of the 1975 Home Mortgage Act in 1989. Recognition for his achievements include the Liberty Bell Award from the Cleveland Bar Association, The Ohio Civil Rights Commission Award, The Governor’s Award, Greater Community Shares Social Justice Award, and the Outstanding Graduate Award from the College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. Charles Bromley is a Presidential Fellow of the SAGES program at Case Western Reserve University and adjunct faculty at the Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University. In addition to his work in Civil Rights, Mr. Bromley founded Greater Cleveland Community Shares, which led to the development of social justice funds in Columbus, Toledo, and Cincinnati, Ohio.


Even the smallest donation to Ohio Fair Lending Coalition can make a world of difference. Donations make up almost our entire income as we normally receive only one small grant a year. Donations are necessary for us to hold meaningful and successful forums and conferences. Donations also allow us to subscribe to incredible databases that help us with bank challenges. Please consider supporting the work we do my making a contribution.