To advance poverty awareness and give a voice to those long silenced
“We believe that injustice is happening in the halls of Congress and in the halls of state capitols around this country.”
Rev. William Barber
Current Initiatives & Campaigns
The End Poverty Now coalition organizes a number of local and statewide initiatives to advance our objectives and to raise awareness. Our current campaigns share the common thread of poverty awareness, and seek to cast a spotlight back onto poverty and to spark a new dialogue focused on finding real solutions.

What is the End Poverty Now Coalition?
In September, 2015 the End Poverty Now Coalition was organized as a collective action to call upon both political parties during the Republican National Convention in regards to poverty issues in the United States.
Our anticipated impact was to raise the issues of poverty publicly and nationally to a degree that would require the candidates, the media and the public to look seriously at the issues of poverty that have been otherwise ignored for decades.
Today, over 16 organization participate in the coalition spearheaded by Organize! Ohio.
Reclaiming our truth
Using Photovoice to Challenge Narratives of Poverty in Cleveland
The End Poverty Now Coalition is working on a Photovoice Project as a response to the Cleveland Truth Commission on Poverty that aims to empower residents in Cleveland to reclaim their truth and to challenge the narratives that society has constructed of individuals living in poverty. We aim to empower the residents through the art of photography.
Cleveland Truth Commission
The Cleveland Truth Commission on Poverty held on October 14th, 2017 was observed by over 100 community members, leaders, politicians, artists and students. As a result of the common issues presented in the testimonies, The End Poverty Now Coalition plans to pursue campaigns and initiatives that will reflect the challenges highlighted in those testimonies including prejudice in the healthcare system involving patient care along with promoting the Commissioner’s findings which includes unity and community empowerment to overcome society’s challenges.
United Clevelanders Against Poverty (UCAP)
United Clevelanders Against Poverty (UCAP) is a Cleveland area organization of low-income persons and families organizing around issues that impact them. A wholly grassroots movement, UCAP brings together impoverished and disenfranchised peoples from across the area and puts the power back into their hands.
The movement focuses on organizing as a new tool to reinvigorate activism in poor communities and to encourage the poor and low-income families to see that change is possible, and that it can come from them and their common efforts. UCAP was one of the catalyzing forces for the creation of the End Poverty Now! Coalition.
End Poverty Now Committees
End unjust child removal Committee:
Works to address child removal policies in Cuyahoga County and the state of Ohio where children are removed from the parents because they are poor as well as policies and practices that inhibit family reunification.
Housing Committee:
Addresses housing policies in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County that allow for inadequate or unaffordable housing for low-income families.
2016 RNC March
The End Poverty Now Coalition originally formed to organize a mass march on the Republican National Convention in Cleveland 2016.
If you would like to learn more and become involved with our projects fill out the form below or email lbresler@organizeohio.org